Schapendoeskennel   "Het Haskerhûs"


Peter en Janny Wierda     Erica (Dr)


How a picture becomes a sticker for our camper car, design Gabriele Boni (It)

picture: Asti Beitske v.h.Haskerhûs, the godmother of all our schapendoezen

the test model of the firm

and this is the result


De Schapendoes Club

Finally it is possible to start a second Club for every breed In the Netherlands and that is why we started the SCHAPENDOES CLUB, its only in dutch at this moment but we try to make in in English to one day.



Asti Beitske v.h.Haskerhûs
drawing: Minna Yrjäna

drawing: Kattis Lundgren (Sweden)



article in a Japanese magazine

Last updated 30-11-2018
© Het Haskerhûs
